Nikon Nikkormat FTn 35mm Film Camera, 55mm macro lens and accessories F*S

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This pristine chrome Nikkormat FTn 35mm SLR film camera comes with a 55mm f/3.5 Micro-NIKKOR auto lens, a 1:1 extension tube, a fresh battery, a Honeywell Prox-O-Lite and a Cellux power supply along with the original Nikon manuals, and a bundle of other documentation for the Prox-O-Lite. It is in mint condition, the camera and lens are almost perfect. The camera serial number is 3697990. The shutter speeds are dead-on and the body is light tight. The lens is clear and unmarked. This was used infrequently in a metrology lab and retired 25 years ago. It looks like new. The Prox-O-Like is a Xenon macro flash, I am including it for fun and it has been disabled with the power cord removed. As a "sister" of the Nikon F and F2 cameras, Nikkormat FTn was based upon the basic body of the original Nikkormat FT, the camera has been widely used by professionals and advanced amateurs the world over during those days as a backup body to the professional F body. Many of the users who can't afford the more expensive system-oriented professional Nikon F & F2, used this camera as an entry model into the huge and first-rated Nikon SLR system. Designed with sharp and clear-cut lines, the external appearance of the Nikkormat camera body gives an overall feeling of mechanical precision and dependability associated with professional use. The FTn was introduced and marketed in 1967, continued to serve even after later models were introduced, bridged over the introduction of the 2nd generation of the Nikon F, the F2 and was eventually discontinued in 1975, that has shown how popular it was. The camera body is made up of 685 component parts mechanically. Made of die-cast aluminum alloy and finished in chrome plating.