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Hartmann 20" Debonair/Knocabout Belting Leather Suitcase F*S
Bruning 2401* 5in Slide Rule and Leather Case F*S
Honeywell * 654 Slide Tray for 120 Film F*S
Atomic-age Electric Percolator - Mid-Century F*S
Aladdin Stanley Vacuum Bottle A-955 1-Quart F*S
Universal Coffeematic 8 Cup Chrome Percolator with a glass bubbling top F*S
Syroco Pressed Wood Ornate Cigarette box and ashtray F*S
Guardian Service Atomic-Age Hammered Aluminum Stovetop Drip coffeepot. F*S
Hermes Baby Rocket Manual Typewriter ready to type ! Seafoam Green F*S
Burroughs Class 5, 9-column Key-driven Calculator - c1915 F*S
Oster Stim-U-Lax Junior Art DECO F*S
Weston Model Model E.703 Lightometer F*S
Franz Electric Metronome Model LM-4 c1958 F*S
Weston DR (Direct Reading) Model #853 Exposure Meter - Working F*S
GERBER Legendary Blades 4pc presentation Carving Set - Walnut Box F*S
Man in the Moon Wood Carving F*S