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WagnerWare 10", 5-quart Cast Iron Chicken Fryer and Wagner C-8 glass cover F*S
Olympia Socialite Manual Portable Typewriter F*S
Singer Touch And Sew Fashion Discs F*S
Seth Thomas c1876 Centennial Clock
Stratton Summer dress straw, model S-44DB Patrol Hat - SIZE 7-3/8 F*S
Hartmann 21" train car Belting Leather carry-on F*S
Ethiopian Woolly with pigtail* from Debre Tabor F*S
Manfrotto 366B Light Stand 6 ft F*S
Bell & Howell Ringmaster 796 Slide Projector/Viewer/Scanner/Digitizer
Manfrotto 3321B stacker Light Stand 8ft F*S
KODAK Carouse*l Slide Stack Loader No. B40 F*S
M.E.P. Art-Deco slip shade close chandelier F*S
WW2 US Army Solid Safety-Fuel Canister F*S
Polaroid Spectra System Instant Film Camera w/Quintic Lens F*S
Hamilton Beach Mixette, 1940s and mid-century for sure F*S
Kennedy Kit 19in All-Purpose Hand Carry Toolbox F*S